ABŞ-ın dünyanın 40 ölkəsində yayımlanan Hesabatının 36-cı səhifəsi bütünlüklə Qarabağ Müharibəsi Cinayətlərini Araşdırma Komissiyası sədri Salih KURT-a və KASSAK-ın fəaliyyətinə həsr edilib…

 ABŞ bu yaxınlarda 40 ölkədə qəbul edilən 64 səhifəlik beynəlxalq hesabatını yayımlayıb. Diqqəti çəkən isə budur ki, hesabatın 36-cı səhifəsi bütünlüklə Qarabağ Müharibəsi Cinayətlərini Araşdırma Komissiyasına (KASSAK) və komissiyanın sədri Salih KURT-a həsr edilib. 

Digər bir mühüm məqam: Almaniya polis rəhbəri Tomas Pantelic və ABŞ-ın sözçüsü Heather Nauert KASSAK sədri Salih KURT ilə görüşmək istədikləri ifadə ediblər. Salih KURT isə səhhətində yaranmış problemlərə görə görüşün bir müddət sonraya saxlanılmasını xahiş edib.

Hesabatın orijinal versiyasını buradan yükləyə bilərsiniz



Xatırladırıq ki, Dünya Türk Jurnalistləri Cəmiyyətinin prezidenti və KASSAK-ın sədri Salih Kurt Ermənistanın işğalçılıq siyasəti nəticəsində Azərbaycan xalqının düçar olduğu ağrısını və əzablarını yaxından hiss edərək, bu komissiyanı yaradaraq, özü və komissiya üzərinə bir hədəf seçmişdir: ermənilərin Qarabağda törətdiyi cinayətləri barədə dünya ictimaiyyətinə, dünyanın nüfuzlu təşkilatlarına, siyasi rəhbərliyinə ətraflı məlumat vermək, bütün bu vəhşilikləri bütün bəşəriyyətə çatdırmaq!!!


P.S.Bu da həmin hesabatdakı Azərbaycan və KASSAK barədə mətnin ingiliscə originalı:

Azerbaijani-Turkish commission to investigate Armenia's war crimes in Karabakh (AzerNews) April 30,
A joint commission between Azerbaijan and Turkey has been established to investigate
the war crimes of Armenia in Karabakh, former Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan,
Hulusi Kilic told Trend on Apr.30.
According to Kilic, the commission includes representatives from more than 30 countries, and the investigation will begin in the
coming days.
"The commission was created at the suggestion of the Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan, Firdovsi
Aliyev, and the initiative of the head of the Association of Writers of the Turkic World, Salih Kurt, and the General Director of the
Union of Scientists of Islamic States, Professor Bayram Altan,” he said.
“The commission will investigate the military crimes committed by Armenia against the Azerbaijani people during the Second
Karabakh War (from late Sept. through early Nov.2020),” the diplomat noted. “It’s known that during the war, the Armenian
Armed Forces had made missile attacks on Ganja and Barda cities with prohibited weapons, as a result of which civilians were
killed. The commission’s work is aimed at showing the aggressive policy of Armenia to the international community."
He added that the participation of scholars and clerics is also envisaged in the work of the commission.
"They will study the damage caused to mosques and monuments in the Karabakh region," summed up Kilic.
Baku calls on Europe rights commissioner to urge Yerevan to submit mine maps (AzerNews)
By Vafa Ismayilova May 1, 2021

Azerbaijani Human Rights Commissioner Sabina Aliyeva has called on Council of Europe
Human Rights Commissioner Dunja Mijatovic to urge Armenia to submit maps of
minefields on the country's liberated territories, the ombudsman office reported on
April 30.
Some 21 Azerbaijani citizens, including 14 civilians were killed and 87 citizens, 16 civilians were injured in mine explosions in
liberated lands since the signing of the Karabakh peace deal by Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia on November 10, 2020.
Mine maps
In a letter addressed to Mijatovic, Aliyeva said: "I... would like to ask you as an impartial institution to call on Armenia to provide
Azerbaijan with minefield maps and stop the violations of human rights. I look forward to close cooperation with your Office for
the protection and promotion of human rights in the light of fairness and impartiality.”
The rights commissioner said that there still remain hundreds of thousands of unmarked landmines on Azerbaijani territories
planted by Armenia during the occupation period.
"Dozens of civilians were killed or severely injured due to these mines so far. We many times raised this issue before the relevant
international organizations and still expect their response to call on Armenia to provide the maps of these landmines to prevent
further casualties," she said.
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev earlier described Armenia’s failure to provide the mine maps as the main difficulty for
Azerbaijani IPDs to return to their homes. He said that this is yet another war crime by Armenia as several servicemen and
civilians were killed in mine blasts on the liberated territories after the war.

Gross rights violations

Aliyeva stressed that since its establishment, the country's ombudsman institution had, many times, informed the Council of
Europe human rights commissioner about gross violations of rights of Azerbaijanis who failed to return to their native lands and
had to live as IDPs in different regions of Azerbaijan.
“As you know the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan has been ended by the trilateral agreement signed by the leaders of
Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia on the 10th of November 2020. Due to this conflict, which lasted for almost 30 years, 20 percent
of the territory of Azerbaijan has been under the occupation of Armenia and more than one million Azerbaijanis have been
forcibly displaced facing great humanitarian tragedies," she said.
The rights activist noted that UN Security Council Resolutions 822, 853, 874, and 884 adopted in 1993 clearly indicated and
condemned the occupation of the Azerbaijani lands and expressed grave concern at the displacement of large numbers of civilians
in Azerbaijan.
"These documents called for immediate, unconditional withdrawal of all occupying forces from the occupied territories of
Azerbaijan and requested the relevant international agencies to assist displaced persons to return to their homes in security and
dignity. Nevertheless, we did not witness any attempt by your side to call on Armenian authorities to implement the mentioned
resolutions and help the IDPs to return to their homes," she stressed.
Aliyeva emphasized that even the European Court of Human Rights in its judgment on “Chiragov and others v. Armenia” recalled
Armenia’s obligations towards the Azerbaijanis who had to flee during the conflict.
"The Court stresses that Armenian and Armenian-backed troops on the occupied territories of Azerbaijan prevent the return of
Azerbaijani IDPs to their lands. We have many times brought to your attention the situation of the hostages, Dilgam Askerov and
Shahbaz Guliyev who had been in captivity of Armenia for six years. They were illegally taken hostage by the armed forces of
Armenia while visiting their homelands and subjected to torture and ill-treatment. We issued statements and a report in this
regard and sent to all relevant international human rights organizations, including your Office. But unfortunately, we did not
receive any response from your side on this case," she said.
Azerbaijan's ombudsperson noted that during the counter-offensive operations for the liberation of Azerbaijan's occupied
territories in line with the above-mentioned international documents, she conducted several fact-finding missions in the
residential areas, which came under Armenia's missile attacks and issued seven thematic reports based on the outcomes.
She underlined that those reports reflected blatant indiscriminate attacks by using banned munitions, which caused hundreds of
civilian casualties in Azerbaijan. Aliyeva recalled the killing of innocent civilians in the shelling of the densely-populated areas in
Ganja and Barda, as well as other cities and regions far from the war zone.
"Those attacks obviously constitute war crimes. The noted above reports were also sent to all relevant international human rights
organizations, along with your Office. But unfortunately, we again witnessed no reaction from your side to these violations of
human rights and humanitarian law," she stressed.
The rights activist added that the long-standing silence at human rights violations, Armenia's unwillingness to implement the
international law, disrespect for Azerbaijan's territorial integrity "embolden the perpetrators and lead to further violations of
human rights".
She described the continuing occupation for almost 30 years and blatant disrespect for the country's internationally recognized
territory as the obvious result of a similar attitude. "I am of the opinion that you, as the Council of Europe Commissioner for
Human Rights, have to express your regret, not about a military trophy park created for future generations as a lesson
commemorating dangers of the policy of aggression and intolerance, but about destructions, plundering and acts of vandalism
committed against hundreds of historical monuments, dozens of museums, mosques and cultural heritage in the liberated
territories of Azerbaijan and condemn it," Aliyeva said".



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Perşamba, 04 Iyul 2024
By Salih KURT

Tezadlar Arxiv